Comprehensive Professional Development for K-12 Educators

High-Quality Professional Learning programs for teachers and administrators that ensure the successful districtwide implementation of HQIM.

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Hear what educators say about their experience with BetterLesson's Professional Development 

Professional Learning Aligned to District Initiatives

Time and again, research has shown that success in K-12 education requires more than just one-off workshops or generic training sessions. That is why our job-embedded programs go beyond traditional professional development by seamlessly integrating into your school's daily routines.

By working backwards from the specific changes you want to see in the classroom, we'll work with your district and school leaders to design a professional learning program fully-aligned to district initiatives that supports educators at every level.

Join Our Community of School Districts Focused on Student Centered Outcomes

We have proudly supported 900+ school and district organizations including:

Build a Personalized PD Plan for Your District

Transform district goals into student growth by providing educators with personalized learning experiences year-round, fostering sustainable shifts in teaching practices that are proven to accelerate student outcomes.

Our immersive approach to professional learning delivers on the promise of continuous, job-embedded learning. Combining 1:1 and 1: many learning opportunities, we seamlessly personalize our learning sessions to meet the needs of each teacher, instructional specialist, and school leader.

With differentiated learning experiences paced throughout the year, districts can unlock the full potential of every educator, and thus, every student.

Begin building a comprehensive professional learning plan that works toward meaningful changes for  leaders, teachers, and students.


Student and Teacher Impact from BetterLesson HQPL

In a 3rd party study done to measure the impact of high-quality professional learning provided against ESSA evidence requirements, BetterLesson has been recognized as Level III. This study found a promising impact on students and teachers due to the HQPL.  

Students with a teacher coached by BetterLesson had higher end-of-year math and reading scores than students without a coached teacher.  

Efficacy Study Findings

On average, teachers using more BetterLesson High-Quality Professional Learning (HQPL) were associated with:


Higher Student Reading Scores

Having a teacher who used more BetterLesson high-quality professional learning (HQPL) were associated with higher reading scores among elementary students.


Higher Teaching Self-Efficacy

 Elementary school teachers using more BetterLesson HQPL were significantly associated with higher teaching self-efficacy and value for  professional learning (PL).


Higher Mastery-Approach Goals

  Among secondary school teachers, using more BetterLesson HQPL experiences were significantly associated with higher mastery-approach goals and value for PL.


Higher End-of-Year Math & Reading Scores

Elementary students who had a teacher using BetterLesson coaching had higher end-of-year math & reading scores compared to students whose teacher did not use coaching.

This study provides results to satisfy ESSA evidence requirements for Level III (Promising Evidence)  given the correlative study design and positive statistically significant findings. 

Advancing Student-Centered Teaching and Learning In Districts


Advancing Equity in Elmira City School District

Fostering culturally-responsive and inclusive classrooms doesn’t happen by accident. Explore how Elmira City School District partners with BetterLesson to advance equitable instructional practices to provide their students with the learning environments they deserve.


Wilson STEM Academy Soars High

It takes enterprise, hard work, and a resourceful, steady support system to build a successful school, especially with the challenges arising from remote learning and the pandemic. Learn how Wilson STEM Academy grew into a sought-after immersion magnet school with the help of BetterLesson coaching supports. 


Implementing Curriculum In Rutherford Schools

Adopting and implementing a new curriculum is complex. Experience the incredible transformation of Rutherford County Schools as they went all-in with BetterLesson and OpenUp Resources to bring the acclaimed EL Education K-8 Language Arts Curriculum to their 26 elementary schools. 

Professional Learning Packages to Support All Educators



 Build your educators capacity to lead and improve instruction and learning for teachers and students with instructional leadership support.


Student-Centered Math and Literacy

 Develop students’ literacy skills and create transformative mathematics classrooms to give students a strong academic foundation.



  Empower new teachers to become high-quality educators through professional learning, mentorship, and leadership support.

Learning Experiences in the BetterLesson Ecosystem


Virtual coaching offers new teachers support from expert instructional coaches who help build and sustain new practices through the Try-Measure-Learn method.

In-person or virtual collaborative sessions for educators to learn new practices, develop actionable next steps, and create a plan to measure the efficacy of new practices in the classroom.

Learning Walks
Non-evaluative classroom observations for leaders to analyze trends in teacher practice and create a plan to support all educators with continued professional learning.

BL Connect
Self-directed courses and high-quality asynchronous content create awareness of a wide range of topics.

BL Lab
The BL Lab offers administrators professional learning data and all educators a full library of self-directed BL Connect courses filled with research-backed strategies, tools, and resources. Access content, track participation, and measure outcomes of professional learning in one centralized platform.

The Phases of Effective Professional Learning

We understand that the journey of curriculum implementation doesn't end after a single workshop or training session. That's why we offer ongoing support throughout the year, providing a lifeline for educators as they navigate the challenges and triumphs of implementing the new curriculum.



Bring educators and administrators together at a collaborative in-person launch experience. 



BetterLesson instructional coaches work one-on-one with teachers to explore new practices, apply them in the classroom, and measure the impact on students.


Assess Progress

Leaders engage in Learning Walks, a non-evaluative observation process, to make data-informed decisions about the next steps they can take to support teachers.


Targeted Support

Educators collaborate at Virtual Workshops that work towards specific, targeted learning outcomes. 

Resources to Support Professional Learning


Professional Learning Playbook

Modernize your district’s professional development opportunities while working towards achieving your district's goals.


Designing Effective PLCs

Increase student achievement and teacher collaboration with simple leadership strategies designed to create more effective professional learning communities.


Analyzing Student Data to Inform Instruction

Use user-friendly data collection tools to transform student data into instructional next steps.

Our Partners in Professional Learning

Our mission is to ensure that educators and administrators have the tools to support every student through a deep understanding of their needs, behaviors, and backgrounds and build a connection to the content and curricula in the classroom. To best serve all educators, we support top-rated curricula with high-quality content and partner with innovators and change makers in education.

Our partners include...


"Through participating with BetterLesson Coaching over the past three years, I have grown so much as an educator in ways that I never thought possible. This took teaching to new levels and PD was targeted specifically to areas that I needed, wanted to work on."

Sara Schonfeld
K-2 Teacher, Magen David Yeshivah, NY

"It’s a great partnership and opportunity for teachers to get 1:1 support/coaching. I really appreciate the amount of time put into looping in principals to share what teachers are working on with school leaders and our central team."

Kristen Watkins
Director of Personalized Learning, Dallas ISD, TX


"BetterLesson has been a great resource and support for new teachers and teachers changing assignments that provides more consistent development and feedback than what we can provide."

Todd Prusator
Superintendent, Rochelle CCSD, IL


The Learning Curve
Accelerate growth in your schools and stay ahead of the curve.