Alissa Monroe

Alissa Monroe is an instructional coach for BetterLesson who strives to empower educators with the skills they need to create calm classrooms with differentiated learning where students feel safe and confident in building new skills. Alissa believes every student should not only feel welcome in the classroom, but essential to the classroom. She finds joy in using data to create pathways for students to succeed, no matter where they are starting. Alissa Monroe has over a decade of experience in education as a middle school teacher and a middle and elementary school instructional coach. She founded an elementary school as the assistant director of academics 3 years ago and has coached educators in school-based and virtual settings with specialties in elementary education, curriculum implementation, instructional design, and social emotional learning and holds a bachelor’s degree in Elementary Education from Oklahoma State University.



Bachelor of Science in Elementary Education


Previous Educational Positions

4th Grade ELA Teacher - Collegiate Hall Charter School
5th Grade ELA Teacher - KIPP Tulsa & Collegiate Hall Charter School
6th Grade ELA Teacher - KIPP Tulsa
6th Grade Math Teacher - KIPP Tulsa


Coaching Certifications

1:1 Virtual Coaching
Formative Assessment and Differentiation
Accelerating Growth


Areas of Expertise

Pre-K: All Subjects, Math, English/Language Arts, Reading Intervention, Phys Ed/Health, 

K-2: All Subjects, Math, English/Language Arts, Reading Intervention, Phys Ed/Health

3-5: All Subjects, Math, Reading Intervention

6-8: All Subjects, Reading Intervention


Additional Areas

Elementary Education
Middle Level/Intermediate Math
Middle Level English
Instrumental/General Music


